
Benbrook Personal Injury Attorney

Don’t speak to an insurance company until you’ve spoken to us first! Insurers are often quick to contact a victim following a personal injury accident.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in confronting insurance companies and understanding their tactics. We’ll ensure you’re not short-changed. Contact The Pennington Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Personal Injury Lawyer Services in Benbrook, Texas

The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex presents a mosaic of contrasts, from the busy streets of Dallas to the peaceful waters of Benbrook. Just as diverse are the accidents and mishaps received by our personal injury lawyers at The Pennington Firm. 

Accidents can strike at any moment. When they do, turn to us at The Pennington Firm. We represent personal injury victims throughout the Dallas–Fort Worth area who have suffered serious injuries due to the negligence of others. Whether you were injured in an auto accident, at the bar, from a dangerous product or from the negligence of a property owner, we’ll pursue your claim and get you the compensation you deserve.

We operate personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means our fee is contingent on the outcome of your case and paid upon successful completion of the services. You pay us a percentage of the gain realized for your case. If you lose, you pay nothing. 

Let’s start with a FREE consultation.

Validity of a Personal Injury Claim in Benbrook

Determining the validity of a personal injury claim in Texas hinges on the ability to prove negligence. You must show that the defendant owed you a duty of care, and that this duty was breached, resulting in your injuries. 

At The Pennington Firm, we specialize in the legalities of negligence. Serving residents of Dallas–Fort Worth, and notably Benbrook, we offer honest and transparent advice. Through a complimentary, no-obligation consultation, we examine the specifics of your case, help you grasp the legalities of your situation and prepare you for the subsequent steps in your legal journey.

The Time Frame for Personal Injury Claims in Benbrook

Personal injury claims in Dallas–Fort Worth should not wait. Texas mandates a two-year window within which your personal injury claim must be initiated. And the sooner your case is brought to law, the greater its chance of success, as your evidence and testimonials will be more recent and credible.

Initiating an early claim for personal injury isn’t always a priority for victims following an injury. It should be. Injuries can occasionally worsen with time, with the full extent of the damage not evident until well after the mandated two-year period. No matter how severe your injury appears immediately following the accident, it’s advisable to always consult a personal injury attorney for professional advice. 

Personal Injury Compensation in Texas

After an accident, victims often face various immediate expenses: medical bills, lost earnings, and sometimes even property damages. Beyond these economic damages, injuries can lead to prolonged physical and emotional distress. In Texas, compensation is typically divided into economic damages, which cover tangible costs such as medical bills and lost income, and non-economic damages which address intangible losses such as pain and emotional suffering. 

At The Pennington Firm, our attorneys have expertise in Texas personal injury law and a close understanding of the needs and concerns of Dallas–Fort Worth residents. We are committed to helping you secure full and just compensation in the case of personal injury, both economic and non-economic.

How Benbrook Residents Can Understand Fault and Compensation: An Attorney’s Advice

In Texas, we are a “modified comparative negligence” state. This legal doctrine stipulates that you can claim compensation in proportion to the defendant’s share of fault, even if you were partially responsible for the accident. 

For instance, if you were 30% responsible for the accident that caused the injury while the other party bears 70% of the blame, you can still pursue compensation. However, the amount you can recover will be adjusted according to your degree of fault. In this scenario, you would be eligible to claim 70% of the total damages. This system ensures that each party is held accountable for their share of responsibility, allowing victims to obtain fair compensation. 

But if you’re more than 50% at fault, you can’t claim any compensation from the other parties involved. 

Our Dallas personal injury lawyers at The Pennington Firm will guide you through the complexities of comparative negligence, ensuring you’re positioned for the best possible outcome.

Fair Insurance Settlements After Injury in Benbrook: The Value of An Attorney

After an injury in the Dallas–Fort Worth area, your immediate concern should be your health and well-being. Once that is taken care of, reach out to our personal injury lawyers at The Pennington Firm. Don’t speak to an insurance company until you’ve spoken to us first! Insurers are often quick to contact a victim following a personal injury accident. Their primary aim is often to minimize payouts or avoid them altogether! As such, their initial offers might not truly reflect the full extent of your damages. Before making any decisions, we collect all pertinent information about the incident and secure trustworthy medical reports. Our attorneys have extensive experience in confronting insurance companies and understanding their tactics. We’ll ensure you’re not short-changed. Contact The Pennington Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation.